KANKE, RANCHI (Affiliated to CBSE - New Delhi)

Principal Message  

Most responsible and most complex duty is of Principal and teachers in this creation. No one can say with certainty that what are the total factors prevail in human being which make the complete personality of the same. It is duty of educational institute (especially schools) to search always unrevealed factors of the students and mould them in the right direction to develop the thoughts which affects the personality very strongly. So we Principal and teachers should not take our service lightly as a medium which acts as a link between books and the students. 

We have to take our service as a mission which needs endless efforts to give the best shape to the society and our nation. We, the teaching team of DAV Public School with the help of all hard working staff act with clear vision that our students should develop from every corner and they should be able to lead the society with best thoughts. I think it is the real service of our country which makes our Bharat Mata to feel proud and then she infuses the thoughts to every man of this world, which results to make the whole world, an integrated family. Consequently, this world enjoys their holy life with all good qualities without fear and jealousy. We strongly believe that we are working for the above mentioned sacred cause.






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